A Basic Egg Tutorial

Hello and welcome to the EGG tutorial. I hope you enjoy yourself.
This is my first tutorial for PSP 6. I hope I haven't forgotten anything. I deliberately left the background on the egg above so you can see the finished results well.

1. Make a new file, 300x300 pixels, white background.

2. Choose the ellipse selection tool and center your cursor on 150 both horizontally and vertically and then draw an ellipse selection.

3. Choose the flood fill tool and sunburst gradient. You can use any two colors that you like. The settings I used are:

Blend Mode: Normal
Paper Texture: None
Match Mode: RGB
Tolerance: 20
Opacity: 100

Click on the middle tab in the tool options pallette. Click the drop down arrow and choose Foreground-Background and use the settings you see here.
Now to get the 3D effect

4. Go to selections on the top between layers and masks and choose invert. Next go to Image and effects and drop shadow. The settings I used were
Color: black
Opacity: 62
Blur: 48
Vertical Offset: 1
Horizontal Offset: 4
Then click ok

This is what the inverted selection should look like with the flood fill and the marching ants on the outside edge and around the ellipse.
This is what you will have after applying the drop shadow.

5. Go to selection and invert it again.

6. Go to image and mirror. Invert again.

7. Apply the drop shadow again with the same settings and invert again.

8. Go to Image, Blur, Gaussian Blur. These are the settings I used: 4.75I applied it twice. This eliminates the lines you see above from the gradient and the shadow

Play around with the setting until you get the desired results.
Now you can add a drop shadow to your egg by inverting the selection and adding the shadow. Another setting you will want to play with to get the desired effect. If you want to save your egg as a transparent GIF, go to file, export, transparent gif and put a dot in the radio button next to :
Areas that match this color. Just be sure that the color chosen is the same as the background of your image.
I hope you have enjoyed yourself doing this and that you will come by our forum and share the results with us. You can get there by clicking on the logo.

If you have any questions or problems with this tutorial please email me and I will try to help and answer your questions. Thank you for visiting with me.

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